APKIM | Muslim Marriage Courses, Counselling, Adoption

About Us


APKIM Resources (UEN 49699000L) was established on 19 November 1993, a meaningful date as it coincided with the birthday of the founder’s wife. Initially focused on providing consultations on marital relationships and Marriage Guidance Courses, APKIM has since expanded its services. Since 2005, APKIM began offering a broader range of support for married couples and families. It partnered with the Syariah Court under the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY) to support the Marriage Counselling Program and is accredited to provide Adoption Suitability Assessment Report for adoption services. APKIM has run numerous parenting and youth programs in collaboration with the Family For Life Council, MSF, the Health Promotion Board (HPB), and various organisations and schools. These programs have been extended to workplaces and community settings, enhancing their reach and impact. The agency has also been sought after to conduct Train-the-Trainer workshops for Marriage Educators and community leaders/volunteers, while developing and delivering a range of specialised programs for different organisations. APKIM has led workshops and talks in workplaces, schools, and mosques, and has even been invited to deliver its Marriage Guidance and Enrichment Course in London and Australia.

Our Values


Amanah (Trustworrthy)


Positif (Positive)


Komited (Commited)


Ikhlas (Sincere)


Mutu (Standard)

Our Dedicated Team

  • Ustaz Salim Jasman

    Advisor / Retired Senior President Syariah Court

    Masyaikh PERGAS

    Kadi, ROMM

  • Siti Adilah Abu Bakar

    Director / Marriage Educator / Counsellor

    Accredited Triple P and MFR Trainer / Quit Consultant CQSC lvl 2

    ASA Assessor / ASA Supervisor

  • Roslinda Md Solihin

    Master Trainer / Head of Adoption Services / ASA Assessor

    Certified Human Behaviourist / Accredited Triple P and MFR Trainer

  • Suzilawati Paiman

    Resident Counsellor / Marriage Educator

    Accredited Triple P Practitioner / Quit Consultant CSSC lvl 1

  • Ustaz Abdul Mateen Abu Bakar

    Resident Scholar / Marriage Educator

    Certified Human Behaviourist / Quit Consultant CQSC lvl2

  • Murni Abbas

    Senior Counsellor / Marriage Educator

    Accredited Triple P and MFR Trainer / ex Syariah Court Manager

  • Hajjah Saudah Haji Shafii

    Counsellor / Marriage Educator / ex Syariah Court Officer

  • Norsiah Rejab

    Counsellor / Accredited Triple P Trainer

  • Hanisah Maskon

    Counsellor / ASA Assessor/ Quit Consultant CQSC lvl 1

  • Noraini Abdul Wahab

    Counsellor / ASA Assessor

  • Norliza Abd Rahim

    Counsellor / Marriage Educator

  • Nurulain Mustafa


  • Azhanani Kamis

    Counsellor / Marriage Educator/Accredited Triple P and MFR Trainer

  • Siti Nurhidayah Mohd Yusof

    ASA Assessor / Adoption Officer

  • Badrolhisham Abdul Shator

    Operational Manager / Quit Consultant CQSC lvl 2

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